


1 / 20

Who was the contemporary ruler of both Mahavira and Buddha?

2 / 20

Which of the following is NOT a part of the Triratna of Jainism?

3 / 20

Who was the patron king of Jainism?

4 / 20

The concept of "Ahimsa" (non-violence) is most strongly associated with?

5 / 20

In which language were the original Jain texts written?

6 / 20

Which king converted to Buddhism after the Kalinga war?

7 / 20

Which of the following is NOT a Jain sect?

8 / 20

Which Buddhist text describes the previous births of Buddha?

9 / 20

Where did Mahavira attain Nirvana?

10 / 20

What does the term "Nirvana" mean in Buddhism?

11 / 20

What are the sacred texts of Jainism called?

12 / 20

Which Tirthankara is most associated with the propagation of Jainism?

13 / 20

Who is considered the founder of Jainism?

14 / 20

What does "Jina" mean in Jainism?

15 / 20

Which council led to the division of Buddhism into Hinayana and Mahayana?

16 / 20

What is the holy book of Buddhism?

17 / 20

Which of the following is NOT one of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism?

18 / 20

The first sermon of Buddha is called?

19 / 20

Where did Gautama Buddha attain enlightenment?

20 / 20

Who was the founder of Buddhism?


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Buddhism & Jainism – An Overview for SSC CGL,CHSL,CPO,MTS,RAILWAYS & UPSC Aspirants

During the 6th century BCE, India witnessed a significant socio-religious transformation with the rise of Buddhism and Jainism. These religions emerged as a response to Brahmanical orthodoxy, caste discrimination, and complex rituals in Vedic society.

Causes for the Rise of Buddhism & Jainism

Reaction against Vedic rituals – Expensive and complex sacrifices.
Opposition to caste system – Both religions promoted equality.
Urbanization & economic growth – New trading communities (Vaishyas) supported these religions.
Rise of republics (Ganarajyas) – Encouraged democratic and rational thinking.



🔹 Gautama Buddha (Siddhartha) – Born in 563 BCE in Lumbini (Nepal), to King Suddhodana (Shakya clan) and Queen Mahamaya.
🔹 Attained Enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya at the age of 35.
🔹 Delivered his first sermon (Dharmachakra Pravartana) at Sarnath.
🔹 Passed away in 483 BCE at Kushinagar (Mahaparinirvana).

Core Teachings of Buddhism

🔸 Four Noble Truths:
1️⃣ Life is full of suffering (Dukkha).
2️⃣ Desire is the cause of suffering (Samudaya).
3️⃣ Suffering can be ended by removing desires (Nirodha).
4️⃣ Following the Eightfold Path (Ashtangika Marga) leads to liberation.

🔸 Eightfold Path (Middle Path):
🟢 Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.

🔸 Three Jewels (Triratna):
🟡 Buddha (The Enlightened One)
🟡 Dhamma (Teachings)
🟡 Sangha (Monastic Order)

Buddhist Councils

CouncilYear (BCE)PlacePatronOutcome
First483 BCERajgirAjatashatruCompilation of Sutta & Vinaya Pitaka
Second383 BCEVaishaliKalashokaSplit into Theravada & Mahasanghika
Third250 BCEPataliputraAshokaSpread of Buddhism to Asia
Fourth72 CEKashmirKanishkaDivision into Hinayana & Mahayana



🔹 Rishabhanatha (First Tirthankara) – Mythological founder.
🔹 Vardhamana Mahavira (24th Tirthankara) – Born in 540 BCE in Kundagrama (Bihar) to King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala.
🔹 Attained Kevala Jnana (Supreme Knowledge) at 42 after 12 years of penance.
🔹 Preached Ahimsa (Non-violence) and founded Jain Sangha.
🔹 Passed away in 468 BCE at Pavapuri.

Core Teachings of Jainism

🔸 Five Vows (Panch Mahavrata):
1️⃣ Ahimsa (Non-violence) – No harm to any living being.
2️⃣ Satya (Truthfulness) – Always speak the truth.
3️⃣ Asteya (Non-stealing) – Do not take what is not given.
4️⃣ Brahmacharya (Celibacy) – Control over desires.
5️⃣ Aparigraha (Non-possession) – Avoid materialism.

🔸 Three Jewels (Triratna):
🟡 Right Faith (Samyak Darshan)
🟡 Right Knowledge (Samyak Jnana)
🟡 Right Conduct (Samyak Charitra)

🔸 Sects of Jainism
Digambara – Sky-clad monks, women cannot attain Moksha.
Shwetambara – White-clad monks, women can attain Moksha.

Comparison: Buddhism vs. Jainism

FounderGautama BuddhaMahavira
God ConceptNo creator godNo creator god
Main PrincipleMiddle PathExtreme asceticism
SalvationNirvana through Eightfold PathMoksha through self-discipline
Language of TextsPaliPrakrit
SpreadAsia-wideLimited to India
SectsHinayana, Mahayana, VajrayanaDigambara, Shwetambara


Frequent exam questions on founders, teachings, councils, and sects.
Understanding religious movements helps in Ancient Indian History and Art & Culture sections.
Buddhism’s influence on Ashoka and Jainism’s role in ancient economy and society.