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✔️ Amir Khusrau was a Sufi poet and musician of the Delhi Sultanate.✔️ He blended Persian and Indian styles and is known as the father of Qawwali.
❌ A) Baba Farid – A Punjabi Sufi saint, but did not compose in Persian.❌ B) Nizamuddin Auliya – A Sufi leader but not a poet.❌ D) Sheikh Salim Chishti – A Sufi saint, not a musician or poet.
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✔️ Kabir promoted unity between Hindus and Muslims, rejecting rituals and emphasizing devotion.✔️ His philosophy is found in Bijak, Guru Granth Sahib, and other Bhakti texts.
❌ A) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – Focused on Krishna Bhakti, not interfaith unity.❌ C) Mirabai – Devoted only to Krishna, not a preacher of universalism.❌ D) Dadu Dayal – Promoted Bhakti but did not focus on interfaith unity like Kabir.
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✔️ Jayadeva wrote Gita Govinda, a famous Sanskrit poem about Radha-Krishna love.✔️ It is widely sung in temples and classical dance performances.
❌ A) Kabir – Focused on Nirguna Bhakti (formless God), not Krishna.❌ B) Surdas – Wrote about Krishna’s childhood, not Radha-Krishna love.❌ D) Eknath – A Marathi Bhakti saint, not related to Gita Govinda.
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✔️ Alvars worshipped Vishnu, while Nayanars worshipped Shiva.✔️ They rejected Brahmanical dominance and spread Bhakti through hymns and songs.
❌ A) Sufis – Islamic mystics, not part of Hindu Bhakti movement.❌ B) Chishti Saints – Part of Sufism, not Bhakti movement.❌ D) Qadiri Saints – Another Sufi order, unrelated to Bhakti.
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✔️ Surdas was a blind Bhakti saint who composed poems in praise of Lord Krishna.✔️ His works are compiled in Sursagar.
❌ A) Kabir – Focused on Nirguna Bhakti, not Krishna worship.❌ B) Ravidas – A disciple of Ramananda, focused on devotion without idol worship.❌ D) Guru Nanak – Founder of Sikhism, followed a monotheistic path.
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✔️ Akbar (1556–1605) banned Sati and encouraged widow remarriage to improve women's status.✔️ He also abolished Jizya tax and encouraged religious tolerance.
❌ B) Aurangzeb – Reinforced strict Islamic policies, did not support widow remarriage.❌ C) Jahangir – Continued Akbar’s policies but did not introduce new reforms on this.❌ D) Shah Jahan – More focused on architecture, not social reforms.
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✔️ The Qadiri order was introduced in the Deccan by Shah Nimatullah and Shah Miran.✔️ It became influential in Bijapur and Golconda under the patronage of rulers.
❌ A) Chishti – More popular in North India, not the Deccan.❌ C) Suhrawardi – Active in Sindh and Punjab, not the Deccan.❌ D) Naqshbandi – Introduced in the Mughal court, not in the Deccan.
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✔️ Ibn Arabi, a 13th-century Sufi mystic, proposed Wahdat-al-Wujud, meaning God and His creation are one.✔️ This influenced many Sufi poets like Rumi and Amir Khusrau.
❌ A) Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi – Opposed Wahdat-al-Wujud, promoted Wahdat-al-Shuhud instead.❌ B) Al-Ghazali – Famous Islamic scholar but not the founder of this concept.❌ D) Bulleh Shah – Followed Sufi principles but did not introduce this idea.
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✔️ Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti was called Gharib Nawaz due to his service to the poor.✔️ He established the Chishti order in India and preached love and tolerance.✔️ His shrine in Ajmer is an important pilgrimage site.
❌ A) Nizamuddin Auliya – Another Chishti saint but not known as Gharib Nawaz.❌ C) Sheikh Salim Chishti – A Sufi saint during Akbar’s time, but not Gharib Nawaz.❌ D) Bulleh Shah – A Sufi poet from Punjab, not related to Ajmer.
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✔️ Both Bhakti & Sufi saints promoted love, devotion, and unity.✔️ They rejected caste and religious divisions.
🚫 Why others are wrong?❌ Caste-based rituals – Opposed by both movements.
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✔️ Meerabai, a Rajput princess, was a devotee of Krishna.✔️ She composed bhajans in his praise.
🚫 Why others are wrong?❌ Andal – A Tamil Bhakti poet.
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✔️ Tulsidas wrote Ramcharitmanas, a version of Ramayana in Awadhi.
🚫 Why others are wrong?
❌ Kabir & Ravidas – Wrote poetry but not Ramcharitmanas.
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✔️ Kabir (15th century) criticized Hindu & Muslim orthodoxy.✔️ He promoted devotion (bhakti) over rituals.
❌ Shankara & Madhvacharya – Hindu philosophers, not part of Bhakti movement.
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✔️ Ramananda introduced Bhakti ideas in North India in the 14th century.✔️ He believed in devotion over caste.✔️ His disciples included Kabir and Tulsidas.
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✔️Akbar (1556–1605) promoted Sufi teachings and religious tolerance.✔️ He respected all religions and even held discussions in the Ibadat Khana.
❌ Aurangzeb – Opposed Sufi liberalism, followed strict Islamic rules.
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✔️ Chishti, Suhrawardi, and Qadiri are famous Sufi orders.✔️ Digambara is a sect of Jainism, not Islam.
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✔️ Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti (12th century) established the Chishti Sufi order in India.✔️ His dargah is in Ajmer, Rajasthan.✔️ He spread peace, tolerance, and devotion to God.
❌ A) Guru Nanak – Founder of Sikhism, not a Sufi saint.❌ C) Kabir – A Bhakti saint, not a Sufi.❌ D) Shankaracharya – A Hindu philosopher, not related to Sufism.
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✔️ Sunni and Shia sects emerged due to a dispute over Muhammad’s rightful successor.✔️ Sunnis believed the leader should be chosen by consensus.✔️ Shias believed that Ali (Muhammad’s cousin & son-in-law) was the rightful heir.
❌ B) Hindu and Muslim – Not sects of Islam but different religions.❌ C) Catholic and Protestant – Sects of Christianity, not Islam.❌ D) Mahayana and Theravada – Sects of Buddhism.
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✔️ The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed to be the word of Allah.✔️ It is written in Arabic and contains guidance on faith, law, and morality.
❌ A) Bhagavad Gita – Sacred text of Hinduism.❌ C) Torah – Jewish religious text.❌ D) Bible – Holy book of Christianity.
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✔️ Prophet Muhammad (570–632 CE) founded Islam in 7th-century Arabia.✔️ He received divine revelations from Allah through Angel Gabriel.✔️ His teachings are compiled in the Quran, the holy book of Islam.
❌ A) Jesus Christ – Founded Christianity, not Islam.❌ B) Gautama Buddha – Founder of Buddhism, a different religion.❌ C) Guru Nanak – Founder of Sikhism, much later in the 15th century.
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